Membership is by invitation only – applications to the Chair or committee will always be acknowledged but the Network grows as to the requirements of its members and their clients. Typically new members are identified after one or more existing Lexwork member firms have experienced a positive working relationship with or have personal knowledge of the candidate firm. In the absence of any references, interested firms are encouraged to contact the chairman of their geographical area for any questions they may have about membership.
Lexwork International is one network organized for administrative purposes into two regions to best serve the goals of its members. Each group has a congenial atmosphere which encourages the practitioners from each of the independent law firms to collaborate professionally and socially in an effort to encourage the exchange of high quality legal services throughout the network for the benefit of clients. The central administration of Lexwork International is undertaken by a coordinating committee composed of four lawyers from Lexwork Europe & Asia and four lawyers from Lexwork Americas which meet in person twice a year in addition to quarterly conference calls.
Members' Perspective
The Lexwork membership allows Florent access to a solid network of high-quality law firms in virtually all relevant jurisdictions, allowing us to meet our clients’ needs and to work with reliable partner firms on interesting new matters.Florent
One of the most important challenges for our law firm is to find the best lawyers for our clients, be it in Switzerland or internationally. For this reason, Lexwork International membership has added unique value to our clients and ourselves.Stiffler & Partner
As a member of Lexwork International we are always able to refer our clients to highly qualified lawyers abroad!7WISE Advokatbyrå