Harter Secrest & Emery LLP


Number of attorneys


Head office

Rochester, NY

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Languages spoken

English, French, German, Italian, Spanish


Jeffrey J. CalabreseEmail / +1 585 231 1280

Harter Secrest & Emery is a full-service law firm with headquarters in Rochester, New York. With over 125 lawyers, we offer the depth and breadth of legal talent and experience necessary to achieve exceptional results for our local, regional, and national clients.

Client Focused
Unlike most law firms, our attorneys do not receive attribution credit or compensation based on staffing or individually generated revenues. This means at a moment’s notice we can assemble the most appropriately experienced and cost-effective team to respond to clients’ needs quickly. With no internal structural barriers (i.e., competition for work), we are never distracted from our sole focus on the needs of our clients.

Collaborative Approach
Our philosophy fosters a multidisciplinary mindset when providing legal services. We consider our clients’ opportunities and challenges by first understanding what they need, and then figuring out the most efficient path. Our clients work with the right lawyer, or team of lawyers, for each specific project or issue and we never “over lawyer” when a simple and practical solution is within reach.

Sophisticated Service
Our team-oriented culture naturally attracts and retains exceptional lawyers who are driven to serve clients, who pride themselves on responsiveness, and who have a solid understanding of the complex legal issues our clients face. Whether it’s day-to-day counsel or high-stakes matters, we offer the sophistication and scope of a large firm practice, with the efficiency and accessibility of a small firm environment. We are proud to represent a wide range of clients from sole proprietorships to companies with more than 50,000 employees.

To learn more about how our firm delivers major market legal quality at middle market pricing, please visit us at www.hselaw.com.


Rochester, NY Harter Secrest & Emery LLP
1600 Bausch & Lomb Place
Rochester, NY, 14604, USA
Tel: +1 585 232 6500 | Fax: +1 585 232 2152
New York
Jeffrey J. CalabresePartner+1 585 231 1280
Jeffrey J. Calabrese